1 x 90 for Channel 5

1x90 Channel 5

3x60 for Discovery UK

1x60, Channel 5

3x60 for Channel 5


26x30 mins & 13x60 mins for Channel 4. Past series sold to 95 territories.

12x60 for BBC2




BBC1 Wales 'Week In Week Out' 1x30mins

BBC1 Wales 'Week In Week Out' 1x30mins

A Children in Need Special for BBC1 & 3

A Comic Relief Special for BBC1 & 3

Channel 4, 1x60mins
Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home & Hidden Killers of the Edwardian Home, BBC4.
Modern Television, 2013
Walking through History, Channel 4
Wildfire Television, 2012
Panorama, BBC1
BBC Current Affairs, 2011
‘Meet the Burglars’ • ‘The August Riots’ • ‘One Born Every 40 seconds’ • ‘Track My Trash’
Alexei Sayle’s Liverpool, BBC2
Oxford Film & Television, 2007
F*** Off I’m Short, BBC3
BBC Current Affairs, 2006
Power to the People: The Invasion of Islington, BBC2
BBC Current Affairs, 2006
Too Ugly for Love, BBC3
BBC Current Affairs, 2006
Watchdog, BBC1
BBC Consumer Unit, 2006
This World: Clinical Trials, The Dark Side, BBC2
BBC Current Affairs, 2005
Worricker on Sunday, Radio Five Live
Ten Alps, 2005
A Year at Kew (Series 2), BBC2
BBC Wales, 2004
Thames Through Time, ITV
Mosaic Films, 2004
Boot Sale Treasure Hunt, ITV
Orion Television, 2004
One Life: Diary of a Delinquent, BBC1
BBC Wales, 2003
Notorious, BBC2
Blast! Films, 2003